As Singapore enters its first month of circuit-breaker mode, home-based learning has been implemented for all students. Here are some tips on how students can utilise their time at home!
#1: Create Your Own Study Space
Find an area in your house where you can sit comfortably and concentrate. Separate it from your relaxation space. Ideally away from a TV screen or other distractions.
#2: Take Notes
Note-taking keeps your mind engaged.
#3: Plan Your Day
If you have one, follow the schedule provided by your school. If you have a list of things to study, break it down into tasks and do the hardest ones when you have the most energy.
#4: Lessen Distractions
Harness your imagination and picture that you’re at school and not at home. Lock your phone away if you need to – don’t be afraid to ask your parents to intervene.
#5: Do One Thing At A Time
Finish one lesson before moving to the next. Do one assignment before another and lesson multitasking.
#6: Take Breaks
Get up once in a while and have a snack!
#7: Speak Up And Ask For Help
When things get tough, don’t just push through it. Ask your parents, or reach out to your teacher.
#8:Journal It
Use a journal to track your progress or any questions you might want to ask your teacher about the work.
We hope that these tips will help you focus better at home during Home Based Learning, and if you have any other tips, do share it with us in the comments section!